Environment &Social Safeguard Reports
E&S Reports: KWSSIP-2
- Labor Management Procedures (LMP) of KWSSIP-2, Urdu (Updated on 13-11-2024)
Stakeholders Engagement Plan (SEP) of KWSSIP-2, Urdu (Updated on 13-11-2024)
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) of K-IV Augmentation Works, Urdu (Updated on 13-11-2024)
Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for the K-IV Augmentation Works, Urdu (Updated on 13-11-2024)
Ecological Assessment for Downstream Indus Impacts & Biodiversity Action Plan of KWSSIP-2, Urdu (Updated on 09-11-2024)
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) of K-IV Project, Urdu (Updated on 09-11-2024)
Integrated Resettlement and Corrective Action Plan (IRCAP): Land Acquisition & Resettlement Aspects of K-IV Project, Urdu (Updated on 09-11-2024)
- Environment and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP) of SOP-II (Updated on 08-11-2024)
- Ecological Assessment for Downstream Indus Impacts & Biodiversity Action Plan (Updated on 15-08-2024)
- ESMP Reducing Energy Consumption-SOP II (Updated on 20-07-2024)
- ESMP Improved Water Supply and Sewerage in Katchi Abadis- SOP II (Updated on 19-07-2024)
- ESMP Rehabilitation of Existing and Construction of New Filtration Plants-SOP II (Updated on 19-07-2024)
- ESMP Priority Sewer Networks -SOP II (Updated on 19-07-2024)
- ESMP Priority Water Networks-SOP II (Updated on 19-07-2024)
- Executive Summary for ESIA Malir Basin Interceptors and TP-IV (URDU) (Updated on 18-07-2024)
- Executive Summary for ESIA K-IV Augmentation (URDU) (Updated on 18-07-2024)
- Abbreviated Resettlement Plan for 10 Additional Low-Income Communities (Updated on 28-06-2024)
- Labor Management Plan for SOP-II (Updated on 30-05-2024)
- Stakeholder Engagement Plan for SOP-II (Updated on 27-05-2024)
- Resettlement Plan – Malir Basin Wastewater Interceptor and Sewage Treatment Plant (TP-IV), Priority Sewer Network and K-IV Augmentation (Updated on 27-05-2024)
- Corrective Action Plan-Resettlement for KIV Main Project (Updated on 27-05-2024)
- Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Report of Malir Basin Wastewater Interceptors and Treatment Plant-SOP-2 (Updated on 25-04-2024)
- Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Report of K-IV Augmentation Works SOP-2 (Updated on 25-04-2024)
- Public Hearing Notice by SEPA for EIA Report of Malir Basin Wastewater Interceptors and Treatment Plant, (Updated on 10-01-2024)
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