The first project (SOP-1) will focus on reforms, maintenance and rehabilitation, with no major investments in new infrastructure. Rehabilitation activities will be selected during implementation in line with the evolving reform agenda and as the identification of priority sites is finalized. Reform efforts will be aligned with the CoC roadmap, and initiate improvements to service delivery standards, KWSB’s institutional structure, the utility’s financial viability and greater involvement of the private sector. Currently following projects are being implemented under SOP-1:
Component 1- Reform in Karachi Water and Sewerage Board
To build capacity and raise the operational performance of KWSB, as well as to prepare and implement an enabling environment, this component will support an array of measures including:
- Institutional Reforms and Capacity Building in HR
- Design and provide Technical Assistance and Training to KWSB
- Design and Implementation of an HR reform program
- Upgrading of HR System including Software & Hardware
- Communication Strategy and Capacity Building in Development
- Design and Implementation of a Communication Program
- Develop & implement customer relation strategy/training, and Construction of 6 Customer Service Centers
- GIS and Capacity Building in Asset Management
- Implementation of a GIS system
- Design and Implementation of an Asset Management Program
- Revenue Improvement and Customer Care
- 4a Conduct Customer Identification and Tariff Basis Survey
- 4b Improve billing and collection system including tariff study
- NRW Reduction and Metering best practices
- Design and Implementation of a NRW Control Program
- Design and Implementation of a Meter Maintenance Program
- Social Sector Policy and Informal Settlements (Katchi Abadis)
- Strategy for and Strengthening of the Katchi Abadis Cell and Katchi Abadi NGOs/CBOs
- Implementation Support for the Gender Action Plan
- Sewerage Improvement Program
- Monitoring of Industrial Discharge into the Sewerage and Stormwater System
- Drafting of indirect (industrial) discharge regulations into the sewerage
- Priority sewer lines condition survey and rehabilitation design (incl. trenchless)
- Study on Financial Management best practices
Component 2- Securing Sustainable Water Supply & Sewerage (Infrastructure Investments)
The infrastructure interventions of the Phase-I KWSSIP will be selected during implementation according to criteria that will ensure compliance with project objectives and relevant policies, while retaining flexibility to align investments dynamically with the evolving reform agenda with the overall aim to reinforce the impact of capacity building and institutional reforms. The priority areas, in which specific investment will be selected, include:
- Rehabilitating water supply and/or sewerage in three low income communities
- Priority sewer network rehabilitation
- Priority Water Network Rehabilitation including O&M equipment, meters and DMAs to reduce NRW
- Reducing Energy Consumption
- Procurement of Sewage Suction and Jetting Trucks
Component 3- Project Management & Studies
This component will support the costs of managing the project and preparing subsequent interventions in the urban area of Karachi. This will include direct project management costs and the studies in the following areas:
- Preparing specific safeguard documents for Project
- Contract Management Consultant
- Feasibility, Design & Tender Documents for SOP-1
- Conducting Energy Audit
- PPP Options Study for NRW Reduction
- Options Study/transaction advice for PPP & investment for desal. and/or wastewater reuse
- Rapid Groundwater Protection Assessment
- Updating of KWSB’s Masterplan
- Feasibility, Design & Tender Documents for Project
- Project Management Cost for KWSB
- Front End Fee
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