By 2030
By 2030
Service Delivery
- Water supply service (house connections, water ATMs etc.) available everywhere in KWSB’s service area, including Katchi Abadis.
- All customers have Automatic Meter Read technology meters.
- At least 95 percent of all customers receive a bill every month, and customer receivables system wide are below 60 days.
- Non-revenue water (commercial plus physical losses) does not exceed 25 percent system wide.
Institutional Development
- At least 10 percent of employees are female.
Financial Viability
- KWSB shall cover 100 percent of O&M costs, plus 100 percent coverage for debts incurred after March 31, 2019.
- GoS shall 100 percent finance, on a grant basis, projects costing over PKR 500 million. Projects below PKR500 million to be financed 100 percent by KWSB.
- A cost-effective energy savings program developed and implemented.
Private Sector
Private sector contracts in place for provision of potable water and/or water for industrial use for KWSB with a combined value of at least PKR 1 billion.