By 2025
By 2025
Service Delivery
- At least 60 percent of wastewater collected shall be safely treated and disposed of.
- All KWSB customers will be connected to the formal sewerage network if they are not more than 10 meters away from the sewer network.
- At least 15 percent of KWSB’s annual capital investment program dedicated to expanding the sewage collection and treatment systems.
Institutional Development
- Legal framework strengthened (utility and resource regulation, monitoring and compliance, consumer protection and redress).
- Percentage of female employees in management positions significantly increased.
- KWSB to become a paperless organization, entirely relying on smart communication and IT technologies.
Financial Viability
- KWSB to cover from its own revenues 100 percent of operation and maintenance (O&M) costs, with a minimum of 5 percent of depreciated asset value used as the maintenance amount.
- GoS shall finance 90 of all capital improvement projects, with KWSB supplying 10 percent.
- 100 percent of illegal connections will be regularized where legally possible and, if they cannot be regularized, disconnected.
- The KWSB Managing Director proposes the water and sewer tariffs to the KWSB Board of Directors at least every two years. The KWSB Board of Directors may approve the proposed tariffs at its sole discretion.
- Strategic subsidy in the form of lifeline tariff slab shall be created for the lowest category of service users.
Private Sector
- Private sector out-sourcing strategy operational and bi-annually reviewed and, if appropriate, revised.
- A KWSB Board approved strategy is in place to promote and enable the private sector provision of potable water and/or water for industrial use for KWSB.